Account Summary

For most recent version, see the official docs at


Initialize session with Trader Workstation

% initialize session with TWS
session = TWS.Session.getInstance();

% create local buffer for account summary events
[buf,lh] = TWS.initBufferForEvent(TWS.Events.ACCOUNTSUMMARY);

% list of account attributes to querey
attrkeys = [                               ...
            'AccountType'                 ,...
            'NetLiquidation'              ,...
            'TotalCashValue'              ,...
            'SettledCash'                 ,...
            'AccruedCash'                 ,...
            'BuyingPower'                 ,...
            'EquityWithLoanValue,'        ,...
            'GrossPositionValue,'         ,...
            'RegTEquity,RegTMargin,'      ,...
            'SMA,InitMarginReq,'          ,...
            'MaintMarginReq,'             ,...
            'AvailableFunds,'             ,...
            'ExcessLiquidity,'            ,...
            'Cushion,'                    ,...
            'FullInitMarginReq,'          ,...
            'FullMaintMarginReq,'         ,...
            'FullAvailableFunds,'         ,...
            'FullExcessLiquidity,'        ,...
            'LookAheadNextChange,'        ,...
            'LookAheadInitMarginReq,'     ,...
            'LookAheadMaintMarginReq,'    ,...
            'LookAheadAvailableFunds,'    ,...
            'LookAheadExcessLiquidity,'   ,...
            'HighestSeverity,'            ,...
            'DayTradesRemaining,'         ,...
            'Leverage'                     ...

% establish connection with TWS

Make request for account summary

% request account attributes
session.eClientSocket.reqAccountSummary(0,'All',attrkeys);  pause(1);

Processing Account Summary Events

% get the event from the local buffer and convert to cell array
attrs = collection2cell(buf.get().data);

% blab about account attributes
cellfun(@(a)                         ...
        fprintf('%s: %s = %s (%s)\n',...
                char(a.account )    ,...
                char(a.key     )    ,...
                char(a.value   )    ,...
                char(a.currency)     ...
               ),                    ...
        attrs                        ...
DU207406: FullMaintMarginReq = 0.00 (USD)
DU207406: GrossPositionValue = 0.00 (USD)
DU207406: FullAvailableFunds = 1003650.61 (USD)
DU207406: LookAheadNextChange = 0 ()
DU207406: SMA = 1003650.62 (USD)
DU207406: Cushion = 1 ()
DU207406: ExcessLiquidity = 1003650.61 (USD)
DU207406: LookAheadInitMarginReq = 0.00 (USD)
DU207406: DayTradesRemaining = -1 ()
DU207406: LookAheadExcessLiquidity = 1003650.61 (USD)
DU207406: MaintMarginReq = 0.00 (USD)
DU207406: FullInitMarginReq = 0.00 (USD)
DU207406: LookAheadMaintMarginReq = 0.00 (USD)
DU207406: RegTMargin = 0.00 (USD)
DU207406: RegTEquity = 1003650.61 (USD)
DU207406: AvailableFunds = 1003650.61 (USD)
DU207406: FullExcessLiquidity = 1003650.61 (USD)
DU207406: InitMarginReq = 0.00 (USD)
DU207406: LookAheadAvailableFunds = 1003650.61 (USD)

See Also

AccountUpdatesExample | PositionsExample


Interactive Brokers API:


Apache Commons:
